This ain’t a movie, this ain’t a play THIS IS REAL. IN these “interesting” times, i have wondered what to do while we are in lock-down and can only imagine what it must be like (or can we) when a judge passes down a sentence of home detention to make the time pass a wee bit easier.
This will primarily be a chin wag with foody type things that will last goodness knows now long. if, god forbid, anyone finds this interesting I will keep going.
There are only the 2 of us rattling around the house, and, as head chef I am mindful that we don’t waste much, that there is variety, and that the food is yummly tasty.
“Fusion” can mean bloody anything so i like that a lot, and can now happily call this Fusion cooking…!!!!! SO THERE, that covers anything i prepare.
Most recipes I have taken and adapted according to what is available, and what my palete and taste-buds might enjoy. I just know that some of the ingredients you see, you will wonder where i am on this planet, but, give them a go, i promise that if anything does not turn out ok i will not post them (this does not happen).
Because i am very modest and don;t think i am a most wonderous chef, moet recipes will be relativley simple
Often there will be “leftovers: incorporated into the following nights as i do hate waste. we have recently started a worm farm, more on that at a later date if you want to know more
OK them here we go
Last night we had “nearly maggi devilled sausages”.
– 1 maggi devilled sausages packet.
– 300mls corned beef water (saved from corned beef 2 nights prior)
– water if necessary
-1 medium onion finely sliced
-1 small apple ( I used Rose) finely sliced
put corned beef water into saucepan with maggi packet on med heat
While sauce is warming, fry onion and apple med heat in 1/2 Tbsp vege oil for 2 – 3 mins until translucent but not brown.
place onion mixture into sauce.
Without cleaning frypan put 4 sausages ( pork or beef) cut into 4 or 4 pieces each in frypan on med heat for 6 – 8 mins
put sausages into sauce and leave simmering on a low heat while cooking the rice
( 2 water – 1 rice)
clean rice and put into boilng water.
as son as water boils, turn down to low and leave for 10mins.
remove from heat and leave for 12 mins
It is important NOT to lift lid of rice at any stage until finished.
not sure if anyone will see this but if so, i will be posting more super easy and tasty dishes here for you to sample.!!
cheers and ENJOY